Thursday, December 3, 2009

Matt Werner: Guatemalan Adventure #3

Part Three of Matt Werner's blog on his time spent in Guatemala. You can read Part One and Part Two here.

Today, was the second day of class and we learned phrases like: Hello, my name is... Nice to meet you...How are you...I am well...and numbers 1-20 and did some activities like introducing ourselves to others and writing out the numbers of people's ages we know from 1-20 using the English word form. After class was the first day we practiced baseball!! Yes I said baseball!! I have about 2 gloves I brought down from Wisconsin and Enrique Gandara (board of trustee member at Edgewood who is overseeing my expedition) gave me 4 gloves he had at his house in Guatemala city. So we learned how to throw and catch. We are going to practice again tomorrow because the kids love it although they look like it is the first time they have played the sport (because it is).

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